1. Manuscripts submitted to the Editorial Office must be relevant to the theme of the journal and meet the requirements for quality of material presented. Articles should be relevant, have scientific and practical relevance, and be novel.

2. Research articles should contain the following elements: 

- statement of the problem in general terms, justification of its relation to the main scientific or practical tasks; 

- analysis of recent research and publications in which the problem has been raised and on which the author relies;

- highlighting the as yet unsolved parts of the overall problem to which the article is devoted; 

- formulation of the goals of the article (setting of objectives); 

- presentation of the main material with full justification of the scientific results obtained; 

- conclusions of the study and the prospects for further work in this direction.

3. References to sources of statistical data and literature used are obligatory. The rules for registration of the list of sources are described in paragraph 13.

4. To introduce the authors, the surname, first name, patronymic, name of the institution where the author works, position, academic degree and title, and for communication with the Editorial Office – e-mail address and telephone number should be fully indicated. The data should be given in Russian and English. 

Rules for text layout of the article (including footnotes and notes):

  • the text should be written in Times New Roman, cone (font size: 14 - for the main text; 10 - for footnotes and notes;
  • spacing: 1.5 (one and a half); 
  • alignment without hyphenation;
  • each table should have a title; figures should have a caption;
  • equations, figures, and tables should be numbered in the order they are mentioned in the text.

The minimum length of an article (excluding title, abstract, keywords, authors, and references) is 4,000 words. The optimal length is 6,000 words.

The language of the article should be scientific, understandable, logical and consistent.

The text of the research article should be structured with sections and subsections. Sections INTRODUCTION (the first section at the beginning of the article) and CONCLUSION (the last section of the main text) are obligatory. In the main text, the sections and subsections should reflect the essence of the logically structured sections of the article (at the author's discretion). It is recommended to use the IMRAD structure (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion) to present the research results. For experimental studies, sections with recommendations and/or practical applications may be added.

5. The text of the article, title, abstract and keywords should be given in Russian and English. The rules for transliteration of sources are described in paragraph 14.

6. Submitting, reviewing, editing and publishing articles in the journal is free of charge.

7. The author guarantees that he/she owns the exclusive copyright to the submitted work (article), that the submitted material is original and will not be submitted for publication in other scientific publications (third party) until the review process is completed. 

8. After the Editorial Office has made a decision on the admission of an article for publication, an Editorial Office member informs the author about it and sets the conditions for publication. A license agreement on granting the right of use (simple (non-exclusive) license) is concluded with the author of the article.

9. The Editorial Office reserves the right to make literary corrections and abridgements of manuscripts without changing the essential positions of the content of the submitted material. The Editorial Office does not agree with the authors on these changes.

10. Manuscripts that do not meet the requirements will be returned to the authors. 

11. If a manuscript is considered but not accepted for publication, the rejection will be emailed to the authors. In some cases, the manuscript is sent to the authors with a request to make some changes and additions and to submit the corrected manuscript to the Editorial Office for reconsideration.

12. Articles should be sent to the Editorial Board e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

13. The list of sources should primarily include scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals, monographs, theses, and dissertations. Only sources mentioned in the text of the article should be included in the list. The name of each author should be included with a reference to the source in the list of sources. References to official websites, normative-legal documents, statistical collections, dictionaries, newspaper publications, archival materials, and materials without authors' names are given in a page footnote and are not included in the list of sources. 

Self-citations should not exceed 10%.

The list is in alphabetical order: Russian-language sources first, then English-language sources. The sources in the list are not numbered. Authors' last names are used to identify sources in the text. The year of publication is given in parentheses after the last name. If an electronic DOI is present in the source description, it is necessarily included at the end of the bibliographic description. 

In-text references to the literature used are made in square brackets, indicating the name of the author(s), the year of publication, and the page. A published source in Cyrillic alphabet is cited - [Ivanov, 2021, c. 54], a source using Latin alphabet - [Petrov, 2021, p. 92]. If more than one source is cited at the same time, the reference is rendered as [Ivanov, 2021, p. 54; Petrov, 2021, pp. 92-105]. When the number of authors is between one and three, the authors are listed in the reference separated by a comma; when there are more authors, the reference is given as [Ivanov et al, 2021, p. 54; Petrov et al, 2021, pp. 92-105]. Initials are used to distinguish authors with the same surname [I.I. Ivanov, 2021, p. 54; S.I. Ivanov, 2021, p. 92]; for works by one author published in one year, the Latin alphabetical designation is used, for example [Ivanov, 2021a, 2021b].

14. The formatting of the transliteration of the sources. The format of the bibliographical section of the article in the English block (References) differs from the Russian one:

- the title of the monograph is given in italics;

- when translating a Russian-language article, use the translation of the title given in the journal itself;

- the "//" sign before the journal title is not used. First, the transliterated name of the journal is given in italics. Then the English-language title is given in square brackets; 

- if the article is published in a collection or monograph, "In:" is given instead of "//". Then the transliterated name of the collection or monograph is given in italics;

- in parentheses indicate the language of the source (In Russ.). If it is in English, it does not need to be indicated.


Transliteration of the names of journals, collections and publishers of monographs is mandatory. For automatic transliteration of Russian-language sources into Latin alphabet it is recommended to refer to (transliteration standard - BGN; setting before transliteration).



Bodrunov S.D. (2018). Noonomy. M.: Kul'turnaya revolyutsiya Publ. 432 p. (In Russ.).

Blaug M. (2008). Great Economists Before Keynes: An Introduction to the Lives & Works of One Hundred Great Economists of the Past. St. Petersburg: Ekonomikus Publ. 352 p. (In Russ.)


Article in a collection or monograph

Freeman A. (2021). Mental Objects as a Productive Force: А Contribution to the Critique of Noonomy. In: A(O)ntologiya noonomiki: chetvertaya tekhnologicheskaya revolyuciya i ee ekonomicheskie, social'nye i gumanitarnye posledstviya. St. Petersburg: INID Publ. Рp. 207-265. (In Russ.)


Article in the journal

Bodrunov S.D. (2018). From ZOO to NOO: Man, Society and Production in the Conditions of a New Technological Revolution. Voprosy Filosofii [The Questions of Philosophy]. Vol. 7. Рp. 109-118. DOI: 10.31857/S004287440000232-0 (In Russ.).

Gimpel’son V., Zhikhareva O., Kapelyushnikov R. (2014). Job Turnover: What the Russian Statistics Tells Us. Voprosy Ekonomiki [The Questions of Economics]. No. 7. Pp. 93-126. (In Russ.).

Bodrunov S.D. (2019). Prospects of Transitioning to a New Model for Socioeconomic System Organization (Noonomy). Global Journal of Human-Social Science. Vol. XIX. Issue XI. Vers. I. Pp. 1-9.


Electronic resources

Zahidi S. (2020). Тhe Jobs of Тomorrow. Finance & Development. URL: https:// (Accessed: 05.01.2021).


Dissertation abstract

Shabalov M.Y. [2014]. Improving the Organizational and Economic Mechanism for the Rational Management of Municipal Solid Waste. Author’s abstract of the dissertation for PhD in Economics. St. Petersburg. 20 p. (In Russ.)