
Vladimir A. Plotnikov, St. Petersburg State Economic University (Saint Petersburg, Russia)


the development of human civilization has been and is going through a series of continuous transformations in various spheres. Today, the world is going through another series of intensive technological, social and economic transformations. These transformations are connected with the evolutionary development according to the scheme: “modernity – a new industrial society of the 2nd generation (NIS.2) – noonomy”. An important role in this development is given to information (digital) technologies. They serve as a link between socio-economic transformation and are also an important element of modern technological transition. The integrating properties of digital technologies are because they form and maintain a single information, knowledge field. But in the modern historical period, there has been a tendency to break this single information field. Moreover, this happens synchronously with the formation of a multipolar world in the socio-political plane and glocalization in the economic plane. According to the author, these changes are natural and interrelated. Based on the analysis, the transition to a new stage of social evolution is postulated, which is characterized by “island” development, the essence of which is the formation of relatively autonomous “islands” in the global civilizational space in the technological, social, and economic sense. The idea of the need to study this new phenomenon based on a new scientific concept of “island development” is being formed.

Keywords: information technology, new industrial society of the 2nd generation (NIS.2), noonomy, “island” transformation, socio-economic transformation, technological development.

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For citation: Plotnikov V.A. (2022). Synchronization of Technological, Social and Economic Transformations in the Conditions of “island” Transformation. Noonomy and Noosociety. Almanac of Scientific Works of the S.Y. Witte INID, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 112–123. DOI: 10.37930/2782-618X-2022-1-3-112-123