
Svyatoslav V. Shachin, Murmansk Arctic State University (Murmansk, Russia)


this article attempts a creative extension of S. Bodrunov’s concept of noonomy through drawing in the most important ideas of A. Honneth and J. Habermas, third and second-generation leaders respectively of the Frankfurt school. The purpose of this theoretical synthesis is to supplement Bodrunov’s theory, which provides a detailed account of the changes to the productive system and which from them, deduces profound transformations in other areas of public life. The article sets out to do this through social and philosophical elaborations that primarily analyse changes in the normative and institutional setting (A. Honneth) and in the political field (J. Habermas). Although S. Bodrunov also recognises and analyses these changes, approaches that proceed from other bases in defining the future social structure are nevertheless able to complement this analysis.

Keywords: noonomy, socialization of society, moral self-restraint, mutual recognition, solidarity, freedom, democratic law.

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For citation: Shachin S.V. (2022). To the Problem of Social Structure in the Era of Noonomics: the Experience of Synthesis of the Political Economic Approach of S. Bodrunov and the Socio-Philosophical Approach of A. Honneth and Yu. Habermas. Noonomy and Noosociety. Almanac of Scientific Works of the S.Y. Witte INID, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 86–95. DOI: 10.37930/2782-6465-2022-1-4-86-95