
Peter S. Lemeshchenko, Belarusian State University, Department of International Political Economy, Faculty of Economics (Minsk, Republic of Belarus)


The article is devoted to such a phenomenon as money, which has accompanied human existence for hundreds of years. However, the author pays attention not so much to the economic content of money, but to the cultural and psychological aspects. Mimetic and holistic approaches are used to clarify such new properties of money. According to the author, these relations in monetary and financial processes have now begun to dominate and are decisive in the hardness of currencies and stable solvency at different levels of management. Especially these institutional aspects began to manifest themselves in connection with the active use of information and communication technologies. The definition of money through the prism of the institute allowed the author to fix their main contradiction as a contradiction between the possibility of the creative side of human activity and destructive. In addition, the article draws attention to the clearly insufficient and narrow banking view of the levels of regulation of monetary and financial relations, which leads to greater benefits of monetary institutions at the expense of depositors, firms, and the whole society. In fact, this is an annuity for the monopoly right to use such a special material as money. Such a situation does not contribute to the acceleration of a just society and slows down socio-economic development, slows down science, innovation, progress in general.

Keywords: money, institution, contradiction, life values, transaction costs, destruction, creation, development.

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For citation: Lemeshchenko P.S. (2022). The Phenomenon of Money in the New Economic Management Conditions: Between Destruction and Creation. Noonomy and Noosociety. Almanac of Scientific Works of the S.Y. Witte INID, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 78–90. DOI: DOI: 10.37930/2782-6465-2022-1-2-78-90