
Ruslan N. Pavlov, Central Economics and Mathematics Institute (Moscow, Russia)


the paper considers some peculiarities of genesis of social entrepreneurship as a new form of organizing entrepreneurial activity aimed not at maximizing the owners’ profits, but at realizing social tasks within a context of deriving the ideological fundamentals of its development. As it is shown in the paper, in most part the ideology of social entrepreneurship depends on the balance between its social and economic missions. In terms of the formation approach, it is shown that the ideology of social entrepreneurship is formed at the stage of the transition from the stage of socialism-precursor to the new multilevel democratic level of mature socialism. Also it is mentioned that in terms of dividing social entrepreneurship into two sides, – namely the superstructure and the basis, the essence of social entrepreneurship as the socialistic democratic model can be rather well laid within a new basis, which conflicts with a new paradigm of economic relations of modern capitalism.

Keywords: social entrepreneurship, political economy, mainstream, production relations, ideology.

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For citation: Pavlov R.N. (2023). The role of ideology of social entrepreneurship in the process of global technological and economic transformations. Noonomy and Noosociety. Almanac of Scientific Works of the S.Y. Witte INID, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 44–47. DOI: 10.37930/2782-6465-2023-2-1-44-47