
Sergey D. Bodrunov, S.Y. Witte Institute for New Industrial Development (Saint Petersburg, Russia)


The article raises a conceptual problem that has both philosophical and socio-economic content: the nature of the interaction of material and spiritual principles in the context of the increasing role of knowledge and cultural values as factors of modern socio-economic development. The author shows that the process of searching for new knowledge has rapidly begun to play a predominant role in relation to the material foundations of production, since now it determines the very nature of these material foundations. But such a revolution in the relations of the material and the ideal in the production process itself rests on the transition to knowledge-intensive material production technologies and to the creation of a knowledge-intensive product. This change also leads to qualitative changes in property relations and in the nature of a human. Property relations are gradually eroding, which in the future may lead to their exhaustion, and a person, in order to ensure the development of society in the conditions of the modern technological revolution, must break through the narrow shell of an economic person, and become a truly reasonable person, a noohuman, who relies on the cultural imperatives of human development.

Keywords: material, ideal, technology, human, cognition, noonomy, culture, values, noohuman

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For citation: Bodrunov S.D. (2023) Transformations of the 21st Century – Human, Society, Values, Noonomy: Material vs Ideal, “Physics” vs “Lyricism”. Noonomy and Noosociety. Almanac of Scientific Works of the S.Y. Witte INID, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 9–18. DOI: 10.37930/2782-6465-2023-2-3-9-18