
Vladimir V. O krepilov, Institute for Regional Economic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Saint-Petersburg,


The author considers the application of the methodology of the scientific field "economics of quality" in fulfilling the tasks set by the national development goals of Russia for the period up to 2030 and for the future until 2036. Using the example of the implementation of the Strategy for the Socio-Economic Development of Saint Petersburg, the author analyzes the experience of using the basic elements of the economics of quality, such as metrology, standardization, quality management, to encourage development of knowledge economy sectors, regional innovation system, ensuring sustainable economic growth and improving the quality of life of the population. A fundamentally new methodological approach to assessing the quality of life of the population based on a unique multi-level quality management system is presented.

Keywords: national development goals of Russia, economics of quality, metrology, standardization, quality management, quality of life assessment methodology.

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For citation: Okrepilov V.V. (2024). On the Role of the Economics of Quality in Fulfilling the Tasks Set by the National Development Goals of Russia for the Period Up to 2030: the Case of Saint Petersburg. Noonomy and Noosociety. Almanac of Scientific Works of the S.Y. Witte INID, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 18–29. DOI: 10.37930/2782-6465-2024-3-2-18-29